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Mannheim - 2006

Panel 1: Article 82 - Tomra, abuses and rebates

Chair: Klaus Schmidt, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich 

Giulio Federico, CRA (Presentation)

Frank Mathewson, University of Toronto (Presentation)

Benoît Durand, UK Competition Commission (Presentation)


Panel 2: Deutsche Telekom/VDSL

Chair:  Konrad Stahl, University of Mannheim 

Ulrich Kamecke, Humboldt University, Berlin (A new Paradigm for the European Communication Policy)

Arnold Picot, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich (Remarks on Regulatory Holidays for the DTAG VDSL Network?)

Martin Peitz, International University in Germany and University of Mannheim (Regulating VDSL?)


Panel 3: Stock Exchanges

Chair:  Gunnar Niels, OXERA 

Marco Pagano, University Federico II, Naples 

Sean Greenaway, European Commission 

Nicola Mazzarotto, UK Competition Commission (The economic analysis in the LSE/Deutsche Börse/Euronext merger inquiry)


Panel 4: French Mobile Cartel Case

Chair:  Anne Perrot, Conseil de la Concurrence 

Nadine Mouy, Conseil de la Concurrence 

French mobile operators case (november 2005)

Laurent Flochel, Université de Lyon 

Presentation of the argument of the parties


Panel 5: Boots-Unichem

Chair:  Lars Sørgard, Norwegian Competition Authority 

Luisa Affuso, RBB Economics 


Roman Inderst, University of Frankfurt & London School of Economics 

Merger Analysis in Locally Segmented Retail Markets

Bojana Ignjatovic, Office of Fair Trading 

Boots/ UniChem at the CAT


Panel 6: Mergers in the energy sector

Chair:  Peter Møllgaard, Copenhagen Business School 

Xavier Vives, IESE Business School 


Claes Bengtsson, European Commission 

DONG/Elsam/E2 etc.

Paul Hofer, NERA 


Panel 7: Israeli Visa Interchange Case

Chair:  David Gilo, Tel Aviv University 


Karni Lotan, FBC & Co. 

Yossi Spiegel, Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration, Tel Aviv University 

The Israeli credit card’s case – Supersol’s view

Oz Shy, WZB, Berlin and University of Haifa 


Menachem Perlman, Previous Chief Economist Israeli Antitrust Authority 



Panel 8: Korsnaes/AD Cartonboard and Buyer Power Issues

Chair:  Mats Bergman, Swedish Competition Authority 

Andrea Coscelli, CRA (Presentation)

Claes Bengtsson, European Commission (Buyer Power -general description of the Euopean Commission’s practice)

Chiara Fumagalli, Bocconi University (Presentation)


Panel 9: Sasol/Engen and Vertical Mergers

Chair: Andrea Lofaro, RBB 

Diana Jackson, CRA (Presentation)

Miguel de la Mano, European Commission (Presentation)

Monika Schnitzer, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich (Presentation)


Plenary Session: Excessive pricing, re-regulating liberalised sectors, and the limits of competition policy.

Chair: Patrick Rey, University of Toulouse 

Amelia Fletcher, Office of Fair Trading (Presentation)

Martin Hellwig, Max Planck Institute, Bonn
Jorge Padilla, LEGG 

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