ACE 2024 - Milan
We are pleased to announce that the ACE 2024 conference is scheduled to take place in Milan at Bocconi University, on the 15th and 16th of November 2024. Please note that the conference will exceptionnally take place on a Friday and a Saturday! ​
You can find the draft program here.
Pre-conference event - Special Policy Session: Competition Policy in the Digital Age
Hosted by the Institute for Economic Policy at Bocconi University (IEP), this pre-conference event will explore the implications of the digital transformation on competition policy with prominent experts, including Mario Monti, honorary President of IEP (further speakers to be announced closer to the event)
Sir John Vickers accepted our invitation to be the keynote speaker. The plenary sessions will focus on burning antitrust topics, such as digital regulation, antitrust and AI, and the role of economics in the antitrust process. And fully in line with ACE's tradition, several interesting topics and competition cases will be discussed during the various parallel sessions, with a mix of mergers, antitrust and state aid, both from the European Commission, national competition authorities and regulators. ​
Registration to the conference will open soon!
We will keep you posted!
​For questions related to the conference, please contact the ACE Secretariat:
ACE is always looking for potential proposals to host its annual conference and aims to decide upon the venue at the annual conference at least one year in advance. Successful bids will need to demonstrate that they have suitable arrangements (including sponsorship) in place by then. Typically, ACE is hosted in universities and receives support from the economics departments, and/or local sponsors such as a competition authority.
If you would like to host the ACE conference in a future year, or if you have administrative questions, please contact the ACE Secretariat:
2023 - Edinburgh
Date: 16-17th November 2023
Host: Mike Walker & Jenny Haydock (CMA)
Keynote: Nathan Miller (Georgetown).
2022 - LISBON
Date: 17-18th November 2022
Host: Ana Sofia Rodrigues (Portuguese AdC)
Keynote: Nancy Rose (MIT Economics).
Date: 18-19th November 2021
Host: Massimo Motta (Barcelona School of Economics)
Keynote: Jean Tirole (TSE)
Date: 19-20th November 2020
Host: Ana Sofia Rodrigues (online)
Keynote: Joe Harrington (Wharton)
Date: 14-15th November 2019
Host: Thomas Rønde (Copenhagen Business School)
Keynote: Michael Katz (UC Berkeley)
2018 - BOLOGNA
Date: 15-16th November 2018
Host: Giacomo Calzolari (University of Bologna)
Keynote: Lars-Hendrik Röller (Germany) & Tommaso Valletti (European Commission)
2017 - MADRID
Date: 16-17th November 2017
Host: Georges Siotis (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Keynote: Sir John Vickers (Oxford)
Date: 17-18th November 2016
Host: Maarten Pieter Schinkel (University of Amsterdam)
Keynote: Daniel Rubinfeld (UC Berkeley)
2015 - MILAN
Date: 27-28th November 2015
Host: Chiara Fumagalli (Bocconi)
Keynote: Massimo Motta (European Commission)
Date: 5-6th December 2014
Host: Kai Hüschelrath & Martin Peitz (ZEW and University of Mannheim)
Keynote: Aviv Nevo (Northwestern)
Date: 13-14th December 2013
Host: Patrick Legros (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Keynote: Massimo Motta (European Commission)
2012 - PARIS
Date: 25-26th October 2012
Host: Thibauld Vergé (Autorité de la Concourrence)
Keynote: Bruno Lasserre (Autorité de la Concurrence) & Kai-Uwe Kühn (European Commission)
2011 - BERGEN
Date: 17-18th November 2011
Host: Lars Sørgard (Norwegian School of Economics)
Keynote: Kai-Uwe Kühn (European Commission) & Damien Neven (Graduate Institute, Geneva)
2010 - NORWICH
2009 - BERLIN
Date: 26-27th November 2009
Host: Lars-Hendrik Röller (ESMT)
Keynote: Christian Ewald (Bundeskartellamt)
2004 - SIENA
2003 - MADRID
Other seminars
May 9th, 2017
ACE jointly organized a seminar with Bruegel in Brussels on Standardization and patents.
You may find all details on this event here:
Thursday, June 30, 2016
ACE/Bruegel event on Geographic market definition
The association of competition economics co-organised an event on geographic market definition with Breugel. The event took place in Bruegel's premises on June 30 2017 in Brussel.
Amelia Fletcher and Bruce Lyons presented a piece of research they have done for DG Competition (
It was followed by a debate with Giulio Federico, Raphaël de Coninck, Hans Friederiszick and someone from the industry. The moderator was Scott Marcus, from Bruegel.
Friday June 20, 2014, 2.30 pm CET
The Economic Consequences of the Intel Judgement
Presenter: Hans Zenger (Charles River Associates)
Jorge Padilla (Compass Lexecon)
Patrick Rey (Toulouse School of Economics)
4th Workshop on the Economics of ICTs
University of Evora April 11-12. 2013
The first Round Table had the general theme "Market Delineation with Bundles", organized by ACE. Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics), Ciara Kalmus (Ofcom), Jan Krancke (Deutsche Telekom), and Matthijs Visser (RBB) participated in this panel, which will be chaired by Kate Collyer (UK Competition Commission).
The second Round Table had the general theme "Access to content in the context of bundled offers". This round table was moderated by Fátima Barros (Chairman of ANACOM's Management Board) and Geoff Edwards (Charles River Associates), Daniel Escoda (Telefonica), Marc Lebourges (Orange) and Elena Zoido (Compass Lexecon) participated in the panel.